Thursday, January 9, 2020

Because Love Said So is a romance with spicy undertones. The author gave the people a story that is interspersed with a damsel in distress meets white knight but covered in cat and mouse. The story was not only touching, but it gave me chills at specific points and coerced my tears to caress my cheeks. All in the spirit of great romance.

Character Breakdown

Samson- He is ALPHA from the top of his head to his pinky toe. This man comes off as intense, and you feel him as if he has hopped off of the pages and sat beside you to command your attention. His determination is one for the record books, and this man was so easy to fall in love with as far as male leads go. A workaholic with the success to match is a recipe for a good catch. Sometimes that's not all it takes.

Avion- She is the epitome of strength when the world lays its burdens on her shoulder. Her spirit is nurturing and so full of light that it drew you in like a moth to a flame. Avion reminded me that black women are the epicenter of all life and the foundation for most solutions. It was her ability to carry the world and not fold that will make her a shero in my book. But even the strong need strength.

Story From My Perspective

As soon as I started reading, I was hit with an overwhelming sense of empathy. Avion's plate was so full, and you couldn't help but see her as a sacrificial lamb. She reminded me of the actual struggle of womanhood trying to wear so many hats, and you deny yourself the care and attention it takes to keep your spirits up to live and fight another day. When she and her best friend go out on the town, I was beyond elated because she needed that fresh air. Then when she was put in the path of a strong man, I was like yes, Avion about to get swept off her feet. Sometimes the first meet is the invitation to the chase. 

Samson met a beautiful woman who called to the middle of his soul. Their, one meeting in the club had him intrigued, but with no way to contact her, he thought all hope was lost. That is, until fate in her infinite wisdom intervenes and leads him right to his heart's desire. With a new opportunity to woo Avion, he redoubled his efforts and was determined to make her see that love waited for no one. Life never happens just how we see fit. 

This book had me in my feelings, and I loved the topics that the author explored that made for great conversation with my significant other. It wasn't your cookie-cutter boy meets girl, and they ride off into the sunset. No, this author touched on the many ways that love can be given but also the things that could hurt the institution. It reminded me that love is about two people who make a commitment to one another to not just enjoy the good, but help each other weather the storm. Samson and Avion quickly became my favorite couple on my perfect-match list. They were two people he poured into each other's empty space and gave birth to their definition of love. This book was a Five-Star read, and you can check it out by clicking the link below. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe!!!

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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Queen Ki: My Spotlight Author of 2019

Queen Ki is young and full of fresh ideas. I remember when she dropped her first book and realized she was still in high school. A point that made me want to see what she could add to the game as we all know that youth bring fresh ideas. To say that I was amazed is an understatement because for her to be so new to a game that is literally dog eat dog, Queen Ki jumped into this world, bringing nothing but her A-game, and it's only up from here. Let me introduce you to someone who is well on her way to taking over and definitely someone that you should put on all of your lists.

Where are you from, and what do you like most about your hometown? 
I’m from Dallas, Texas. My favorite memories are my high school years. My high school was in the heart of the arts district in downtown. Our school gave us many great opportunities and provided me with peace of mind.

You are a young author in the game do you find it hard to relate to your Novels subject matter?
It is hard to find the right audience who’d read books about young adults. There are many people who are way older than me and love my books because of how emotional they are. It does get hard writing about certain things because I haven’t experienced much such as long-term relationships or even getting in trouble with the law. I have to do heavy research.

What inspired you to be an author?
As a kid, I used to talk a lot, just putting my mother’s business in the streets. After a tragic event, my motor mouth was put to a stop. I was suddenly shy, quiet, and quickly became an introvert. I’d always loved reading. During my years at KIPP Academy, we were expected to read in lines and during our free time in class. I started off writing Fan Fiction stories about Mindless Behavior, and my love grew.

Tells us a little bit about some of your writing rituals
I am still learning about keeping the same ritual for each book. But first, I come up with the characters and write about their life in a journal. After writing out their background, I write out the plot and allow their background and who they are as individuals drive their decisions. While I write, I have to listen to music to put me in the mood. If it’s gangsta stuff, I listen to 90’s hip hop, etc.

You introduce characters who are Urban, what made you want to approach writing from this angle?
Growing up, I’ve always read black boys. The Bluford High Series was my first love. I loved reading about black teenage girls who are going through things that I had witnessed, as well. I feel as if urban stories are put in a box like there is always a man cheating, baby mama drama, and drug dealers. My goal is to think further into those types of people and put emphasis on black love. 

What's the greatest book you have ever read?
This is a hard question because I am a very picky reader. I would have to say Lost and Found by Anne Schraff.

What made you choose your publisher?
Actually, Mesha grew up with my parents, and I was introduced to her through my mother. She asked me to send me a body of work, and she felt like she could mold me. My first book was rejected, but she pushed me to continue to write. I am really glad that I signed to her because I am learning and growing with everybody from work. 

What type of mark would you like to leave on the world?
I would like to be the next Tyler Perry. I want to write and direct movies and plays. I would also want to have my own publishing company. I want my work to speak to people. No matter if it’s a happy emotion or a sad one. I would love for people to read my work and discuss it worldwide. I would also love to see my work in libraries and on stages and big screens. 

If you could have any author, past or present, mentor you, who would it be?
Mesha Mesh, K.C Mills, and Mz Lady P. I couldn’t choose one. I love these ladies' work.

As a new author in the game, what has been some of the most valuable advice you have been given?
I tend to have a problem with validation. While I was writing my first book for Mesha Mesh, she told me to stop asking other people about my work. Asking advice of family members and teachers, with all of the critics 
I’d gone through a major writer’s block. I had to learn to just write and let go of my doubts. 

What can readers expect when picking up one of your books?
They can expect a lot of crying and a lot of love and chemistry between the main characters. I’m a very emotional person, and it comes out in my writing.

What has your greatest accomplishment been as an author?
My biggest accomplishment was actually having my first book signing. The paperbacks were so beautiful, I was almost in tears. 

I loved Boo’d Up With An Oak Cliff Boss, can you give us some insight into why you chose this storyline and also some of the factors that went into your character's development
I honestly don’t remember. It was pouring out of me. This was supposed to be a collective MMP author project called Boo’d Up With A (City) Boss I came up with the characters first. I knew I wanted the man to be a boss but not a drug boss. I figured what was more boss like than a single father and a thick independent woman who takes care of her family.

Name the top ten songs on your writing playlist? 
Rich Niggaz by J. Cole
My Side of the Bed by LSG
You don’t know by Tank ft. Wale
Bad by Wale
Notorious Thugs by Bone Thugs -N- Harmony ft Biggie
Off Dez by JID ft J.Cole
Big Momma Thang by Lil’ Kim
Nigga What Nigga Who by Jay- Z
On & On by Erykah Badu
Another Sad Love Song by Toni Braxton
Sooo Many More I love music

If you could change anything about the writing world, what would it be?
I guess how competitive some authors are and how greedy some publishers and editors are. Although I haven’t personally been through any bad publishers or editors, I’ve heard stories and see greedy people who have been exposed. I think because we aren’t as popular as the music industry or the movie industry. We should have more support for one another

All About Queen Ki

Kiandra Johnson also known by her pen name Queen Ki was born and raised in Dallas Texas. Her love for writing started in middle school where she wrote fan fiction short stories. Her writing went from pen and paper to online writing websites such as Miss Literati and Wattpad. As the years went on her love for writing grew as she excelled in high school. She attended Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts as a theatre focus. Her sophomore year in high school, her mother introduced her to a family friend who had been an author herself. Author Mesha Mesh had been looking for talented writers to start her very first publishing company. Queen Ki was signed to Mesha’s company at only sixteen years old. Four years and six novels later Queen Ki is still being molded and growing as an outstanding and determined author.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Monica Walters: My Spotlight Author of 2019

Monica Walters has been taking the world by storm with books that range over a multitude of genres. She is easily on her way to becoming a household name. Monica has hit the best-sellers list, it is a testament to her dedication and work ethic. The first time I read her work it gave me chills. The "Black Love" experience renewed my faith in an institution that seems to be dying out. No two characters are the same and it speaks to her ability to relate to life. You all may not know her but, at the end of this conversation, I hope she will become one of your favorites.


1. Where are you from and what's your favorite memory about your city? 

            I’m from Beaumont, Texas. As far as memories…. Ummm… I can’t really pinpoint one particular thing. I still live in the area… only thirty minutes away.

2. You write some very interesting characters so which one is your favorite? and why?

            Sonya Thompson from my Sweet Series. She was so free and would literally do whatever she wanted to do. Her name has come up in books that had nothing to do with her. It’s like she’s embedded in who I am. LOL, While she could be a firecracker, she was also loving and tender-hearted. She loved hard, but she never let anyone walk over her.

3. What inspired you to be an author? 

            It wasn’t actually planned. I’ve always been a writer. I loved writing song lyrics and poetry. And that led to short stories. One day out of boredom, I began a short story and a couple of weeks later, I realized that it was more than a short story. I’d written a 56 thousand-word novel. The people I let read it were telling me how good it was and one of them told me about Kindle Unlimited Publishing. That was in 2014 and I’d written two by then. After that, it just came naturally to write.

4. Tells us a little about some of your writing rituals. 

            I don’t have a significant ritual. Most times, I play a game on my phone to clear my head, start my music, then I get it cracking.

5. A lot of your books introduce black cowboys in the rodeo. It’s not a subject often talked about so give us some insight into why you shed light on them.

            My husband is from the country and years ago, he rode bulls. So, I decided to write about a bull rider in 8 Seconds to Love. He helped me a lot with the details and the ambiance at the rodeos right before the competition from a bull rider’s perspective. It’s more common than not to meet a man that rodeos or at least attends them where I live.

6. What's the greatest book, you have ever read?
            That’s a hard question. I’ve read a lot of great books. Umm… I will take a simple approach and say the Bible. LOL

7. List your top 5 new/vet authors of 2019 and why.

            B. Love- She can craft a story like no other. She’s not B the Beast for nothing. I haven’t read a story by her that I haven't loved.

            Aubree Pynn- Maaan… her urban romance is out of sight.

            N.M. Frye- I love the way she crafts her stories as well. Although some of them are urban or street lit, they still have something positive to share. Her characters teach their kids and are there for them and they’re women.

            Shanice Swint (ShanicexLola)- The way this woman writes erotica is insane. Her skills amaze me. Most of her works are short, but they pack a powerful punch that will gut check you if you aren’t careful.

            Nicole Falls- This woman is all-around amazing. F*ck and Fall in Love was the shit! As I said about the other authors, she can craft a story that will have you so in your feelings, that you want more!

8. What type of mark would you like to leave on the world?

            One that says kindness goes a long way. We are our brothers’ keepers. If people could stop trying to take advantage of people long enough, we could all help each other. So, a mark that says I genuinely cared about people, wrote some bomb ass stories and was a great wife and mother.

9. If you could have any author, past or present, mentor you who would it be?

            Zane. In my early twenties, she and Eric Jerome Dickey were my go-to authors. However, I have a publisher now that has helped me tremendously this past year. My writing and knowledge of the industry have grown so much under her tutelage. B. Love is a beast and I’m grateful to be a part of her company.

10. If you could give any new author coming in the game one piece of advice, what would it be?

            Focus on the positive aspects of life and block out everything else. You won’t reach any goals set in place for yourself if you let negativity win. We often take our eyes off the mark because of what this person is saying or doing. Keeping up with the mess of the literary industry will have you in a funk for real. Be true to yourself and who you are and whoever is supposed to rock with you… will.

11. What can readers expect when picking up one of your books? 

            They can expect plenty of drama and love…. Black love. I’ve only had one interracial couple, but they ended up breaking up and she went back to a black man... her first love. LOL There’s nothing wrong with interracial love, I just choose to focus on Black love. They can also expect some hot sex scenes, slang, vulgar language, and in the midst of all that… some type of life lesson.

12. What has your greatest accomplishment been as an author?

            For me, it would have to be being able to see my progress. I’ve had bestsellers, four of them reaching #1 and had a steady stream of new readers. But to be able to see my growth as a writer has been the most rewarding.

13. Which series has meant the most to you and what was the inspiration behind your writing it?

            Probably my eight book Sweet Series. It includes my very first books. Real-life inspires a lot of my stories, whether it’s mine or someone else’s. This series was both. People either hate it or love it. It was raw and there was a lot of abuse, but there was also a lot of love.

14. Name the top ten songs on your writing playlist? 

            I absolutely love music. So, when I know the story I want to write, I listen to songs that go along with the plot. My playlist is different for every book. I make a playlist for every book. Out of the thirty-six books I’ve written, there’s only one without a playlist.

15. If you could change anything about the writing world what would it be?

            Everyone would respect everyone’s craft. There’s more than enough room for all of us. While I’m an author, I steer clear of the drama. I don’t usually know about it until it’s over.

All About Monica Walters

Starting with poetry, writing has always been a constant in Monica's life. The interest began in her teenage years, being in love for the first time. Her love for writing has only progressed. Song lyrics and poetry led to short stories, then one day in her downtime, a short story became a 56k word novel. It has been non-stop since then. Being a wife and mother has only added to the joys of Monica's life. Attaining a BS in Sociology, helping her better understand people and their behaviors, has only helped her become a better writer, understanding characters and their complex personalities. Romance of all types has been her passion, and she plans to continue honing her skills in that genre.

Twitter: @monlwalters

Instagram: @authormonicawalters

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Bounded By Love By: Yolanda Williams

We jump into a book that is classified as Romance. For me it held so many more elements as it read like a Mystery laced with Erotica blended with poetry. I was amazed from the first page to the last and was so enraptured with how the characters were each able to tell their story within a greater story. Had me hooked from page one and those are the types I like.

Character Breakdown

Asia- You meet a woman who borders the line of mediocrity. It’s in the routine she uses of work then home. Never stoping to smell the roses or build connections. There is truly a method to her madness. Her past is one she intend to reinvent and if she never has to revisit it, life would be all the more greater for it. Just like all things in life, they have a way of coming back around and Asia is uncertain on what to do with that knowledge.

Darnell- This man is everything dreams are made of. He comes from a successful family and has become a force to be reckoned with. Being the owner of a billion dollar corporation takes a certain level of dedicated focus and the ability to protect your investments. But it also comes with a price that is sometimes to high to pay. In life you make decisions and take it by the horns and make due. Especially when one of your investments doesn’t understand its value.

Lauren- Being the sister to a billionaire and daughter of powerful and influential parents is enough to drive any child to insanity. That is why you find Lauren, a spitfire, to be unforgiving and a free spirit. She never let the fame of the people around her dictate her actions. That is why the love she finds herself immersed in, could be the very thing that rocks the boat.

Justin- In his youth, he made many mistakes and burned many bridges. All in the name of what he perceived as love. He like most other travelers of green pastures had to find that the grass on the other side was but an illusion. Now he has grown and done away with childish things and has taken the steps to make manhood different than the folly in boyhood. New love has a way of growing you only if he deemed himself worthy of that love.

Story From My Perspective

Literally from the first couple pages this story is set up to give you a heart attack. It started with the makings of a good Mystery/Suspense novel. You already start trying to piece the clues together and this is why when Asia enters the story she snatches your heart. She just appears to be down on her luck. You feel her anxiety and paranoia at the events that start taking place. Never one to stay down to long she still pushes through. No matter what she has to go to work which is one of the only things that makes sense to her and is a solace. So much so that she is offered a better position than the one she currently in she counts herself among the blessed. Especially when her boss is the things her dreams are made of and the opportunity to work closer with him is a fantasy turned reality. Until the very thing she vowed to leave in the past threatens her new normal and she feels the need to run.

When Darnell bumps, literally, into his hearts desire he counts it as Kismet. He now has the chance to finally try his hand at an emotion that has been long gone from his life. He is not unaccustomed to pain. Especially when he had his heart broke by two of his closest friends. It made him shut down and then like a ray of sunshine Asia begins to thaw the ice surrounding his heart. Now that he is open again, he will protect his interest at all costs. Especially since the secrets he is holding will either bring them closer together or rip them apart.

Lauren is the first to notice the change in her brothers life. At first she is not pleased until she sees that it is a love that is right on time. It also gives her time to develop the new love she has in her life. As a general rule, she could care less what anybody has to say or feel about her and how she moves. Nothing and no one makes decisions in her life. She would be lying if she wasn't nervous about this new love interest. Just like the mystery surrounding their union, Lauren knows that this love represents hurt to many but to her he represents new life and she refuses to lose it because of peoples inability to heal.

Justin has had more than time to grow into the man he is today. At one time his understanding of life was obscured. Full of selfishness and disloyalty, his decision making was skewed and a testament to all he had yet to learn. Now he is back and he knows he must face all of the ones he has hurt before. Its a necessary step on his road to redemption. A road he didn't understand the importance until he had a love to cultivate all his own. You know what they say about "Healing your past to protect your future". Justin will protect it with his life and hope that he can keep his once it all hits the fan.

I promise this book takes you on an emotional journey like no other. Very rarely do you find a multi-faceted title that covers a multitude of topics regarding social justice. I appreciate the author poignantly telling a survival story that explores Domestic Violence and its effects and how she drew it vividly and gave me a different understanding. There is also family secrets and betrayal and just so many avenues for healing. I saw myself between the pages and it also unlocked a new moment of validation of my own personal journey. That is great storytelling when its lines touch the heart of the readers. Using faith as a way to surpass even ones own understanding of a struggle is important and one all should partake of. You can do that by clicking the link below. Be sure to come back and comment and let's discuss this title and the bounties that lie within.

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Monday, August 12, 2019

Show Me You Still Want It (Behind Closed Doors Series Book 3) By: Monica Walters

Part 2 left us all on the edge of our seats with our jaws on the floor. It's like every possible outcome we could try to expect, was nothing compared to the drama nor the issues that just kept coming.I almost was afraid to pick up the book because my heart couldn't take anymore of the suspense; something that this author gave us in spades. So, with trepidation I opened the book, and honey I got taken on the best ride of my life.

Character Break Down

Elijah- A college professor that loves to teach in his field of Sociology. Distinguished and full of dignity, he dominates the classroom. Coming to work everyday is more than a joy because for years he has had his eyes on a promising pupil who stirs more than his intellect. He has some introspection because sliding on this slope can become a dangerous game. Especially when you have tasted the forbidden fruit and need to deny yourself. What appears to be good for you may just cause you to lose everything. With his life and career hanging in the balance, Elijah feels like his back is against the wall and he does not know how to fight his way out of this one. How does he deal with the feelings of protecting the one thing his heart desires while saving himself at the same time. It is time to make a change, will he be strong enough to do it?

Ashahve- Young, vibrant and free. Living the life of a college student she has her eyes set on being a professor and is all set for a career of a lifetime student. The major she chose is made all the more sweeter by her unwitting crush on her professor. She finally feels its the perfect time to try her hand at blurring the lines when she gets thrown a curve ball that shifts her desires outta focus. Having had the opportunity to cling to her hearts desires, she will find that love is not all roses and rainbows and can definitely have you retreating to a safe place. A place not capable of the solace needed, but one she seeks none the less. That one decision could possibly ruin everything that she truly desires. If that is not enough she still has enemies who intend to disrupt her peace. That is until all the secrets are revealed and she will finally understand the old adage "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" when she has to answer for all of her choices and decisions.

Omari- This man is a thuggish, intellectually and morally sound veteran. He has a good plan and laser beam focus. Especially since he has a little one that is watching the every move of her superhero. Being single is no burden and definitely the peace of mind he needs to stay on task to achieve his goals. That is until he meets a spark that instantly becomes the flame to ignite his every dream for the future. But is it reciprocated? When the answer to that question is in the affirmative, Omari will find himself in a situation that brings all his demons to the forefront. Will his inner battles destroy the very thing he always needed in his life? He has to make a change or he stands to lose everything he worked hard to achieve. Especially when things keep hitting him left and right. His daughter doesn't have a mother and his one constant in life may have crossed a line you could never uncross. Will he be able to survive the domino effect?

Story From My Perspective

This book had to be the most anticipated of the year for me. The nerves I experienced waiting to see what happened, were the worst, but like an addict, I had read and get the high only this story could provide.

When we left off in part 2 Ashahve was faced with a dilemma; one that has the ability to shed light on all of her extracurricular activities. She feels lost because she never saw her future shaping up like this. Almost too late, her heart is finally is in agreeance with her mind. As she waits to see if her future is full of all the promise she desires, her enemies start coming out of the woodwork's. In her home and in her life she feels attacked and all she wants is for it to stop. That's why its always good to have a rock in your corner to help you navigate the storm.

Omari has had to do a lot of soul searching. Now that he is all that his daughter has, he must step up and remember why he does all of this. It would be a little easier to do if his love life was actually where he wanted it to be. It's not the love he doubts, but the new set of circumstances might actually ruin it all before he ever has the chance to make it right. No matter the problem, he will protect his investment with his life. All he can do hope for the best and pray against the worst. All he knows is that he refuses to fail after all he has put into building greatness.

Elijah is a lost soul. Nothing makes sense anymore, especially since he invited trouble back into his life. Now he is faced with a lifetime of work possibly being destroyed by the folly of his impulsive decisions. The one thing he obsesses over is no longer available as a  buffer to get him through. He must take a firm stance to finally put himself first and protect everything he worked hard to achieve. Elijah will find support in the most unlikeliest of places and finally have the blinders taken off of his eyes but will he be ready for the one thing he never thought he would have?

This author and I had some very deep conversations about this series. I had never really understood what a gray area was until she forced my thinking to skirt the boundaries. Those blurred lines lent to the life relativity between these pages. For once we had the opportunity to see a woman deal with issues that are more commonly indicative of the strife most men face in love. It was a new and fresh perspective and one that I am actually elated that my eyes were opened to see. This series definitely opens the floor to conversations, some are harder than others to have but should be explored. In one series I laughed, cried, cussed and just had all out blow ups. Nothing inspires your emotional being like something that conflicts with your personal edicts. That is why I am happy to have had the opportunity to partake of a series that has actually showed me of the many avenues that love can take and to always expect the unexpected. You can experience it all by clicking the link below.

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Friday, July 12, 2019

All To Myself Book 1&2 By: Aubree Pynn

This very imaginative series started off with a novella that had jaws on the floor and us wanting more. The author gave the people exactly what they were looking for and gave us all the details of these amazing friendships, family and love. Definitely work that is on a different wavelength and set to keep you captivated page after page.

Character Breakdown

Nashaun- His attitude is live an in living color. All he knows how to do is keep shit trill with whoever is in his life. More than that he is a protector and staunch defender of those he loves even if he has to be sacrificial to ensure they are good. He don't love these hoes and he is content to live alone until he runs up on a woman who matches his fly down to his morals. What do you do when you meet the exact replica of yourself but in a league all her own.

Nina- This lovely being is a spitfire with not a f*ck to give. She doesn't bow down easy nor is she made of porcelain. Standing ten toes down is in her DNA but she does all she can do to avoid the silly love games men play. That is until she meets a man that literally grates on that last nerve but awakens the beast inside of her.

Raheem-  The consummate big brother but he needs Nashaun to keep him grounded. He loves his family hard and the streets are all he knows. He has the woman of his dreams rocking and after she gave him his first son he wasn't ever letting go. But sometimes it takes for you to be thrown into the spotlight for you to realize exactly where your deficiencies lie.

Giselle- Being the wifey of street legend is more than nerve wracking. When she signed on for her position she had stars in her eyes and dreams of her man going legit. It is nothing in the world like the anxiety one feels every time your better half leaves out the door and there is no guarantee that they will make it back. Sometimes you have to show a man how much of an asset you are to his team and remind him of just what he stands to lose if he keeps risking his life and neglecting the one he has built.

Story From My Perspective

From the beginning, I knew that I was in for some laughs and tough conversation. Especially dealing with a fool like Nashaun. He is so brash and abrasive but you gotta love all that he stands on especially once you really sees how he loves his family. It is true what they say the Middle child usually has the world on their shoulders. Especially when you are caught between two brothers who are polar opposites. He has to be the one that thinks it out and corrects mistakes especially when you are on a steady climb to success. All he wants is to show his family that he is solid. Never thought about love till he met a woman Named Nina who wasn't impressed with his countenance. He was intrigued to say the least.

Nina best friend Giselle, literally threw her to the wolves when she has to do a favor that places her and Nashaun in each others space.At first glance he is like every other man in the world and she definitely has no time for the arrogance, disrespect or the idiocy connected to a thug. The wall around her heart is built ford tough and he serves as a reminder why she is okay to be alone. That is until she has the opportunity to see deeper inside of the man who where's his gangsta as a mask. That look is enough to show her she would be a remiss to lose out on the one thing that draws her heart in like a siren's song. Now its about making him understand that he doesn't have to carry the world alone when she has shoulders to share the burden.

Giselle, has been trying her hardest to make Raheem see that this street life is just a means to an end. The only certainty is her love for him. She finds out that you can wish for someone to see more but if their focus is off, they will never understand the perspective. Only thing Giselle knows is she is tired of competing with the very thing that has the ability to destroy them. She does not know how long she will be able to hold it down when the risk is too high.

Raheem's only dream is to ensure that his family never knows the struggle. He found the love of his life but he knows she doesn't understand his focus. He is on the cusp of never having to deal with this life again and all he needs is for her to hold it down on the home front while he secures this bag. He knows he does not have much longer to get his affairs in order before he loses his wife.

You put them altogether and you will see the perfect recipe for a story that is gritty but full of goals. The ingenuity of each couple and the things that they face makes you wanna grab your love and hold onto them forever. The concepts and thoughts discussed between these pages are more than relate-able but also lends credence to " He who finds a wife, finds a good thing." You never know the path that love will take you on especially when your heart is still mending from the hurts of the past. These books spoke volumes to my heart and I know they will to yours. If you don't believe me click the links below and allow your heart to be amazed.

Book 1: All To Myself-
Book 2: All To Myself: Love, Power, and Respect-

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Sunday, June 30, 2019

You Just Might Get it (Behind Closed Doors Book 2) By: Monica Walters

We left off with many questions from book one but we also thought we had a solution. I didn't think that this triangle could get more complicated but when you factor in confusion and a new set of circumstances anything is possible. Now the new question is are we focused on love or comfort-ability.

Character Break Down

Elijah- A college professor that loves to teach in his field of Sociology. Distinguished and full of dignity, he dominates the classroom. Coming to work everyday is more than a joy because for years he has had his eyes on a promising pupil who stirs more than his intellect. He has some introspection because sliding on this slope can become a dangerous game. Especially when you have tasted the forbidden fruit and need to deny yourself. What appears to be good for you may just cause you to lose everything.

Ashahve- Young, vibrant and free. Living the life of a college student she has her eyes set on being a professor and is all set for a career of a lifetime student. The major she chose is made all the more sweeter by her unwitting crush on her professor. She finally feels its the perfect time to try her hand at blurring the lines when she gets thrown a curve ball that shifts her desires outta focus. Having had the opportunity to cling to her hearts desires, she will find that love is not all roses and rainbows and can definitely have you retreating to a safe place. A place not capable of the solace needed, but one she seeks none the less.

Omari- This man is a thuggish, intellectually and morally sound veteran. He has a good plan and laser beam focus. Especially since he has a little one that is watching the every move of her superhero. Being single is no burden and definitely the peace of mind he needs to stay on task to achieve his goals. That is until he meets a spark that instantly becomes the flame to ignite his every dream for the future. But is it reciprocated? When the answer to that question is in the affirmative, Omari will find himself in a situation that brings all his demons to the forefront. Will his inner battles destroy the very thing he always needed in his life?

Story From My Perspective

I cannot begin to make you understand how I waited for this part two on bated breath. However, the moment I cracked it open, I reset my views and went into this story looking for the peace after the storm. Only I didn't see the hurricane brewing beneath these pages.

When we left of Ashahve and Omari were in the beginning of a perfect love story. Of course there were other mitigating factors like a baby mom who wants another chance, two young people trying to write the rules of love and a little girl who is the center of the war. No matter what they both navigate life with a dedicated focus and all the excitement that new love brings. That is until Omari is faced with a problem of a lifetime that brings out a side of him that he denies and one that leave Ashahve running scared. Something so trivial leads her right back to her comfort zone.

Elijah has been dealing with life as it comes. With a new love interest on the horizon he is ready to try to enjoy life post Ashahve. The only thing is, his future and past are on a major intersection. With his mental health finally stable and the ability to breathe again, it amazes me that he will give in to the one temptation his heart doesn't need. It's hard to deny when all Elijah wants to do is be a Knight in Shining Armor. His valiant efforts to be a support for someone else will literally cause him to spiral out of control. He can't help it because the heart wants what it wants. Even if that very thing can cause him to lose all he has worked for.

I promise you this book is not only a heart stopper but it will have you pulling your hair out and cussing up a storm. This series causes you to think and have uncomfortable conversations. What I expected out of You Just Might Get It has exceeded anything I could have ever thought or could pen. That is why you need to click the link below and come back here so that we can discuss all of the drama packed inside such a dope read. This is definitely a series you do not want to miss.

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