Saturday, November 30, 2019

Monica Walters: My Spotlight Author of 2019

Monica Walters has been taking the world by storm with books that range over a multitude of genres. She is easily on her way to becoming a household name. Monica has hit the best-sellers list, it is a testament to her dedication and work ethic. The first time I read her work it gave me chills. The "Black Love" experience renewed my faith in an institution that seems to be dying out. No two characters are the same and it speaks to her ability to relate to life. You all may not know her but, at the end of this conversation, I hope she will become one of your favorites.


1. Where are you from and what's your favorite memory about your city? 

            I’m from Beaumont, Texas. As far as memories…. Ummm… I can’t really pinpoint one particular thing. I still live in the area… only thirty minutes away.

2. You write some very interesting characters so which one is your favorite? and why?

            Sonya Thompson from my Sweet Series. She was so free and would literally do whatever she wanted to do. Her name has come up in books that had nothing to do with her. It’s like she’s embedded in who I am. LOL, While she could be a firecracker, she was also loving and tender-hearted. She loved hard, but she never let anyone walk over her.

3. What inspired you to be an author? 

            It wasn’t actually planned. I’ve always been a writer. I loved writing song lyrics and poetry. And that led to short stories. One day out of boredom, I began a short story and a couple of weeks later, I realized that it was more than a short story. I’d written a 56 thousand-word novel. The people I let read it were telling me how good it was and one of them told me about Kindle Unlimited Publishing. That was in 2014 and I’d written two by then. After that, it just came naturally to write.

4. Tells us a little about some of your writing rituals. 

            I don’t have a significant ritual. Most times, I play a game on my phone to clear my head, start my music, then I get it cracking.

5. A lot of your books introduce black cowboys in the rodeo. It’s not a subject often talked about so give us some insight into why you shed light on them.

            My husband is from the country and years ago, he rode bulls. So, I decided to write about a bull rider in 8 Seconds to Love. He helped me a lot with the details and the ambiance at the rodeos right before the competition from a bull rider’s perspective. It’s more common than not to meet a man that rodeos or at least attends them where I live.

6. What's the greatest book, you have ever read?
            That’s a hard question. I’ve read a lot of great books. Umm… I will take a simple approach and say the Bible. LOL

7. List your top 5 new/vet authors of 2019 and why.

            B. Love- She can craft a story like no other. She’s not B the Beast for nothing. I haven’t read a story by her that I haven't loved.

            Aubree Pynn- Maaan… her urban romance is out of sight.

            N.M. Frye- I love the way she crafts her stories as well. Although some of them are urban or street lit, they still have something positive to share. Her characters teach their kids and are there for them and they’re women.

            Shanice Swint (ShanicexLola)- The way this woman writes erotica is insane. Her skills amaze me. Most of her works are short, but they pack a powerful punch that will gut check you if you aren’t careful.

            Nicole Falls- This woman is all-around amazing. F*ck and Fall in Love was the shit! As I said about the other authors, she can craft a story that will have you so in your feelings, that you want more!

8. What type of mark would you like to leave on the world?

            One that says kindness goes a long way. We are our brothers’ keepers. If people could stop trying to take advantage of people long enough, we could all help each other. So, a mark that says I genuinely cared about people, wrote some bomb ass stories and was a great wife and mother.

9. If you could have any author, past or present, mentor you who would it be?

            Zane. In my early twenties, she and Eric Jerome Dickey were my go-to authors. However, I have a publisher now that has helped me tremendously this past year. My writing and knowledge of the industry have grown so much under her tutelage. B. Love is a beast and I’m grateful to be a part of her company.

10. If you could give any new author coming in the game one piece of advice, what would it be?

            Focus on the positive aspects of life and block out everything else. You won’t reach any goals set in place for yourself if you let negativity win. We often take our eyes off the mark because of what this person is saying or doing. Keeping up with the mess of the literary industry will have you in a funk for real. Be true to yourself and who you are and whoever is supposed to rock with you… will.

11. What can readers expect when picking up one of your books? 

            They can expect plenty of drama and love…. Black love. I’ve only had one interracial couple, but they ended up breaking up and she went back to a black man... her first love. LOL There’s nothing wrong with interracial love, I just choose to focus on Black love. They can also expect some hot sex scenes, slang, vulgar language, and in the midst of all that… some type of life lesson.

12. What has your greatest accomplishment been as an author?

            For me, it would have to be being able to see my progress. I’ve had bestsellers, four of them reaching #1 and had a steady stream of new readers. But to be able to see my growth as a writer has been the most rewarding.

13. Which series has meant the most to you and what was the inspiration behind your writing it?

            Probably my eight book Sweet Series. It includes my very first books. Real-life inspires a lot of my stories, whether it’s mine or someone else’s. This series was both. People either hate it or love it. It was raw and there was a lot of abuse, but there was also a lot of love.

14. Name the top ten songs on your writing playlist? 

            I absolutely love music. So, when I know the story I want to write, I listen to songs that go along with the plot. My playlist is different for every book. I make a playlist for every book. Out of the thirty-six books I’ve written, there’s only one without a playlist.

15. If you could change anything about the writing world what would it be?

            Everyone would respect everyone’s craft. There’s more than enough room for all of us. While I’m an author, I steer clear of the drama. I don’t usually know about it until it’s over.

All About Monica Walters

Starting with poetry, writing has always been a constant in Monica's life. The interest began in her teenage years, being in love for the first time. Her love for writing has only progressed. Song lyrics and poetry led to short stories, then one day in her downtime, a short story became a 56k word novel. It has been non-stop since then. Being a wife and mother has only added to the joys of Monica's life. Attaining a BS in Sociology, helping her better understand people and their behaviors, has only helped her become a better writer, understanding characters and their complex personalities. Romance of all types has been her passion, and she plans to continue honing her skills in that genre.

Twitter: @monlwalters

Instagram: @authormonicawalters

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